The Step 1 toothbrush head size is good for my son’s mouth and he loves to chew on the end of the handle too. It seems to help him cope with the new teeth he's got coming in now, and honestly, it's one of the only teethers that he's ever been interested in.
Viskey Law
Ubat gigi strawberry memikat hati anak-anak. Tak nak pakai ubat gigi lain dah.
Putra Khairi
用了Jordan Kids Step Toothbrush & Toothpaste一个星期后,可以感受到Jordan Kids Step Toothbrush的刷毛属于宽版并柔软,对孩子的牙龈十分友好。再来就是牙刷的握柄容易掌握,适合孩子的小手握住达到轻松刷牙的效果。
Sharon G.
I’m a heavy coffee drinker and Jordan Expert White helped me to remove the stains bit by bit. I’ll lay off the coffee and take better care of my teeth!
Shankar Vaisudasen
The Step 1 toothbrush head size is good for my son’s mouth and he loves to chew on the end of the handle too. It seems to help him cope with the new teeth he's got coming in now, and honestly, it's one of the only teethers that he's ever been interested in.
Viskey Law
Ubat gigi strawberry memikat hati anak-anak. Tak nak pakai ubat gigi lain dah.
Putra Khairi
用了Jordan Kids Step Toothbrush & Toothpaste一个星期后,可以感受到Jordan Kids Step Toothbrush的刷毛属于宽版并柔软,对孩子的牙龈十分友好。再来就是牙刷的握柄容易掌握,适合孩子的小手握住达到轻松刷牙的效果。
Sharon G.
I’m a heavy coffee drinker and Jordan Expert White helped me to remove the stains bit by bit. I’ll lay off the coffee and take better care of my teeth!
Shankar Vaisudasen
The Step 1 toothbrush head size is good for my son’s mouth and he loves to chew on the end of the handle too. It seems to help him cope with the new teeth he's got coming in now, and honestly, it's one of the only teethers that he's ever been interested in.
Viskey Law
Ubat gigi strawberry memikat hati anak-anak. Tak nak pakai ubat gigi lain dah.
Putra Khairi